Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Press Release: Mackey Productions wins Business of the Year with Greater Riverview Chamber of Commerce

Press Release: Mackey Productions wins Business of the Year with Greater Riverview Chamber of Commerce


On Tuesday, January 21, 2014, Stuart Mackey, of Mackey Productions, LLC, was presented with the award for Business of the Year for Business with 10 or Fewer Employees by The Greater Riverview Chamber of Commerce at the Annual Membership Banquet. Mackey Productions was one of three finalists in this category. The other two finalists with Great Florida Insurance of South Shore and James Pulkowski, CPA.

Other Categories for business of the year were Companies with 11 to 300 employees and Companies with Greater than 300 Employees.

“I honestly was surprised I won,” said Stuart Mackey, founder of Mackey Productions, LLC. “"The other finalists in my category are great businesses and great people. I would have been very happy for either of them if they had won. I as honored to even be one of nine finalists among over 50 applicants.”

When asked what he hopes this year hold, Stuart responded, “I really hope this award is a tool we can use to raise awareness of the company and that it will help us continue the growth we saw last year.”

Mackey Productions, LLC is a producer of high definition video for local businesses, non-profits and individuals. Serving Riverview and the greater Tampa Bay area, Mackey Productions’ mission is to deliver custom, focused content at an affordable price. Mackey Productions has assisted many local businesses and organizations in increasing their brand awareness and recognition, by creating engaging video content that fits with each client’s brand identity. From initial consultation, to script writing, shooting, editing, and final delivery, Mackey Productions, LLC. is there to help the client through all stages of the production process.

The mission of Mackey Productions is to grow and promote the clients it serves through appropriate balance of new technology with old techniques with a unique blend of tools and resources for each client. We believe there is no such thing as a cookie-cutter video package, and strive to deliver the best product we can within the client's budget.

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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

GRCC Annual Dinner Business of the Year

We won! Congrats to all my fellow business of the year winners; Carr Pediatric Dentistry and South Bay Hospital! Also congratulations to Jennifer King, Jennifer Caskey and Jordann Scrugs on your awards. And Citizen of the Year Tammy Holmberg!

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GRCC Annual Dinner – January 21, 2014

I’m hanging out with 350 of my closest (and grooviest) friends at the Greater Riverview Chamber of Commerce (http://ift.tt/1cKJQQz) Annual Membership and Awards Dinner. Mackey Productions, LLC, is a finalist for Business of the Year – Organizations with 10 or less employees. Goo luck to all the finalists in all categories!

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Thursday, January 9, 2014

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Press Release – Mackey Productions, LLC is a Finalist in the Greater Riverview Chamber 2013 Business of the Year!

For Immediate Release:

Mackey Productions, LLC proudly announces that they are a finalist in the Greater Riverview Chamber of Commerce 2013 Business of the year, in the “Organizations with up to 10 employees” category.

From the Official Announcement email:

Please extend a big CONGRATULATIONS to the Greater Riverview Chamber of Commerce 2013 Business of the Year Award Finalists listed in alphabetical order: Organizations with up to 10 employees:

  • Great Florida Insurance South Shore

  • James J. Pulkowski, CPA, PA

  • Mackey Productions, LLC

Organizations with 11 up to 300 employees:

  • Canine Cabana

  • Carr Pediatric Dentistry

  • The Alley at Southshore

Organizations with over 301 employees:

  • CenterState Bank

  • Mosaic

  • South Bay Hospital

Special thanks our panel of Judges: 2011 Business Person of the Year Award Winner Erik Butler, TakeOut Butler 2012 Riverview Citizen of the Year Award Winner Dr. Bryan Thatcher, Thatcher Properties 2013 President Donna Lee Fore, P.F. Auto Glass, Inc. Mary Owens, Black Diamond Associates Pamela Knowles, ATAP Solutions Inc.

Award winners will be announced at the Annual Dinner Celebration on Tuesday, January 21, 2014. RSVPs are required in advance. For more information, … contact the chamber office (813) 234-5944.

Thank you, Tanya Doran, Executive Director Greater Riverview Chamber of Commerce

“I am proud to be listed among such excellent businesses” says Stuart Mackey, founder of Mackey Productions, LLC. “Our business has grown a lot this year, due, in no small part, to the many business and connections made as part of our Greater Riverview Chamber membership. I see us continuing to utilize the business and resources of the chamber to grown even further this year.”

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Thursday, January 2, 2014

Five Reasons Why Video Marketing is Important

Five Reasons Why Video Marketing is Important

5 Reasons Why Video Marketing Is Important


p>People often ask “Why is video marketing important?” And “Why do I need video marketing?” The answers are quite simple, and it all comes down to asking this question: “Do you want to increase traffic to your site?”

  1. People would rather watch than read.

    Increasingly, people would rather watch a video than read a blog post or article online; they are used to consuming visual content on all channels; Facebook, Instagram, etc. People are also more likely to finish watching an engaging video than read an entire blog post.

  2. Video stands out from the search result crowd.

    When people see a page of search results, video results stand out from the list because they show a thumbnail image next to the text summary. On social media, images and videos are given more space and priority than text only or link posts.

  3. Video can be easier than writing.

    There seems to be a perception online, that if you have one misspelled word or typo in your blog article, that you mustn't know what you talking about. But on video, there seems to be a little more grace for mistakes. In fact, a more authentic video will actually be trusted more than a polished video in some categories.

  4. Video can be SEO optimized.

    Most people don't know that you can embed the transcript of your video on YouTube. If you are reading from a written script, this is as simple as copy and paste. If you are more unscripted, it may require a bit more work. But essentially, this means words you spoke in the video can be searched, therefore you should make sure to say your keywords or key phrases in your video. You can also add these keywords to your tags and video decription.

  5. Videos can link back to your site.

    When you create a video on YouTube, you have the option to add links to the description as well as text. Make sure you link it back to your website or the related post on your site. You can also setup your YouTube Channel to link to you homepage, Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, etc. to add more link relevancy.

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